The Wandering Buoy is a mobile sculpture for marking places with (hi)stories. It is an open-content anti-monument, that is open to be programmed by any users according to their individual needs.
The Wandering Buoy can be installed universally in public space and parked like a trailer. It is a communication tool in the public sphere that sets up reference points for diverse users featuring their messages, concerns and questions. In this way it creates public spaces for reflection.
Since 2005 the Wandering Buoy has been travelling Germany, Poland and Switzerland in ever changing contexts.
Invited by Dresden's Societätstheater the Wandering Buoy was part of this year's Week of Rememberance (#wod) from February 8th to 13th, 2021.
In various locations of the city, the Wandering Buoy created reference points where people could reflect on how to commemorate and deal with the history of the city's bombardment and nearly complete demise at the end of World War II.
As a tool for marking, collecting and communicating the small and private stories from below - the Wandering Buoy made its way through a still heavily contested and highly politicized legacy of Dresden's history.
All stories, comments and opinions to be found here.
Originally, the Wandering Buoy was commissioned by Skulptur-Biennale Münsterland under the theme of 'latent history'. For five years the Wandering Buoy circled the region and served the local public to dig up latent histories and make them public with the help of the Wandering Buoy.
In front of the delapidated building of a former silk spinning factory locally known as 'The White Lady' the LED-screen told the story of the last factory worker on her way into unemployment.
Between August 13th and November 9th (i.e. the day the Berlin Wall was erected and the day it came down) the Wandering Buoy circled Berlin stopping wherever stories were found connected to the Berlin Wall. We retold escape stories, stories of the guards, of protests, art actions and families torn apart.
Fore all stories see:more
Die Festivalorganisatoren wollten ihr eigenes Tun überprüfen und von der Bevölkerung erfahren, ob es in Belzig Kunst und Kultur gibt, ob man über Kunst demokratisch entscheiden sollte, oder ob man demokratische Kunst bräuchte. Das Wanderbojen-Team führte Interviews durch und die Ergebnisse wurden mit der Wanderboje auf dem Marktplatz öffentlich gemacht.
The festival Inwazja BarbarzyÅ„ców (Invasion of the Barbarians) focused on the diverse local history of Poznan's city districts. With the help of the Wandering Buoy local histories were collected among the inhabitants. Two actresses dressed as 'mad reporters' supported the buoy team.
A two-month project in cooperation with the historic association of Basel Stadt.Geschichte.Basel
The project was part of a public vote campaign within direct democratic political system of Switzerland to gain support for a new written history of the city of Basel. All museums and university faculties of history presented their newest research concerning the city's history and asked the public which topics they would be most interested in.
Scientific talks were organized in the public spaces marked by the Wandering Buoy and 'history street workers' collected opinions while the Wandering Buoy made political references with striking slogans.
Population survey and research project on the topic of sustainibility and energetic urban redevelopment in cooperation with the RaumUmOrdnung network and Energieavantgarde Anhalt e.V.
During the festival Rypin na Marsie (Rypin on Mars) the Wandering Buoy collected small messanges of the public to be sent to Mars. One crater on Mars is named after the Polish city of Rypin.