
Bread for the World

Bread for the World, 1991/2008
Steel, printed toast bread, electric engine, ∅ 2,80m

A large, slowly turning wheel, plastered with slices of toast on both sides.
The toasts portray the images of (mostly) men who moved the world.

The series consits of:

J. Arafat
O. bin Laden
Che Guevara
A. Einstein
G. Ensslin
M. Ghandi
J.-W. Goethe
M. Gorbatschow
A. Hitler
E. Honecker
S. Hussein
Johannes Paul II.
R. Khomeini
H. Kohl
W. Lenin
R. Luxemburg
N. Mandela
K. Marx
G. Meir
A. Merkel
Hl. Nikolaus
B. Obama
W. Putin
W. Selenskyj
J. Stalin
M. Thatcher
D. Trump
L. Walesa
